Contract Work

A flexible approach for Nurseries and other children’s groups.

In addition to running activities for babies and toddlers within classes, Musical Minis is pleased to provide contract work. We have many years experience of working in Creches, Nurseries, Sure Starts and Children’s Centres. Most franchisees can offer a flexible solution to your needs, providing regular sessions, occasional sessions or one off sessions.

Session length

Can be varied to suit your requirements

Age range

0-5 years old


The programme will vary according to the session length and your own requirements but will typically include action songs, musical bumps, instrument session, story with puppets, songs with scarves, nursery rhymes, the hokey kokey

Equipment provided

Lesson CD, CD player, instruments, puppets and props

Equipment required

A suitable room with clean floor space and a plug socket


Prices vary, contact using one of the methods on the left of the page providing details of your requirements

John Smith

John Smith

Rutland franchise owner

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