Music Groups / Music Classes for Toddlers and Babies

What is Musical Minis?

Musical Minis are pre-school fun time music groups. Our music classes for toddlers and babies offer your child the chance to be involved in developmental activities.

How do the music groups work?

Each structured session encourages cognitive, physical and emotional development through the use of music, instruments and stories.

Who created Musical Minis?

The Musical Minis music classes for toddlers and babies were developed by child professionals. Its founders have a background in child psychology and nursery education.

Tell me more!

All Musical Minis music classes are designed with your child’s development in mind. The music is professionally recorded at a pace suitable for young children.

Musical Minis music groups can help your child be:-

  • A skilful communicator by developing language and co-ordination.
  • Emotionally developed through sharing stories and songs whilst meeting new friends.
  • A confident child by joining in the activities in a relaxed group atmosphere.
  • A creative child by letting the children explore the instruments, sounds, rhythm and movement.
John Smith

John Smith

Rutland franchise owner

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